Stanton DeFreitas, a distinguished Canadian international business consultant, is embarking on a new venture into the realm of writing to share his profound insights with a broader audience. Hailing from Toronto with a rich Caribbean heritage, DeFreitas brings a unique perspective shaped by the diverse cultural tapestry of Scarborough, his hometown. The multicultural environment he grew up in, filled with various languages, religions, and cuisines, has deeply influenced his societal understanding.

DeFreitas’s upbringing instilled in him the belief that individuals are global citizens, capable of expanding their horizons beyond their birthplaces. He envisions enriching lives academically, spiritually, and culturally through his writing. As an author, DeFreitas aims to articulate his diverse experiences and viewpoints on a wide array of subjects, spanning health, global events, and travel.

Transitioning from a seasoned business consultant to an author signifies a significant shift for DeFreitas. This transformation allows him to channel his extensive knowledge of global cultures into his writing. DeFreitas’s work promises a unique blend of personal experiences and professional insights, contributing to a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of our world. Through his writings, he aspires to share his global perspective, urging readers to embrace a more inclusive and comprehensive view of the world and its diverse inhabitants.